Monday, November 27, 2017

My point of view...

Take it from me, right from this very moment try something new and do something you love, life is short to be wasted for nothing. Explore things, seize new horizon and change your point of view in life. Don’t settle for less always prefers the best. Change must start within you then you will realize the best is yet to come.
What does it needs to be confident? Something like you can pull off anything you’d want. Tell me how. Coz I don’t know where to begin with.
I myself am scared to take a new step. I am afraid to be alone, afraid to be rejected, afraid that I might fall and not be able to stand up again and I am afraid to take a risk. I am confused, shattered and it feels like I am in abyss. I don’t know where to start, where to begin.  Am not confident enough to trust myself but then I realize if I will not do it? Who else? This is my life, my story. My future is in my hands.
Life is a constant change. It always evolves nothing stays the same. It’s a long journey that’s full of circumstances whether positive or negative. A roller coaster ride as they say. It’s a ride of happiness and sadness, light and heavy or darkness and brightness.

There’s always this pain, agony all throughout it’s inevitable because it’s part of life. And when it happens, we are longing for someone, just someone that would be there to us, a person that we could always lean on when things are rough and the person who will stay by our side when we are down and wary.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


A seminar is a lecture or presentation delivered to an audience on a particular topic or set of topics that are educational in nature. It is usually held for groups of 10-50 individuals. A seminar is frequently held at a hotel meeting space or within an office conference room.


The assignment module allows teachers to collect work from students, review it and provide feedback including grades.  

As a teacher giving assignment should be clear and definite.
It should be easy to understand and relevant to the topics being discuss.

Classroom Management

An Effective Classroom Management Context
(these four things are fundamental)
1. Know what you want and what you don't want.
2. Show and tell your students what you want.
3. When you get what you want,       acknowledge (not praise) it.
4. When you get something else, act quickly and appropriately.(

Classroom management is very important to a teacher most especially if your classroom management is not effective you cannot  teach well. 

As a teacher we have to create an environment that the students will appreciate and be motivated to learn. 

 "According to Moskowitz & Hayman (1976), once a teacher loses control of their classroom, it becomes increasingly more difficult for them to regain that control."

My point of view...

Take it from me, right from this very moment try something new and do something you love, life is short to be wasted for nothing. Explore t...