Saturday, July 16, 2011

The needs for motivation

Motivation is a desire to achieve a goal. in the principle of motivation, the students interest, reward rather than punishment is a great motivation. 
through motivation a student may able to overcome his/her fears. he/she may attain a good grades and may be able to achieve his dreams.
"Motivation strengthens the ambition, increases initiative and gives direction, courage, energy and the persistence to follow one's goals. A motivated person takes action and does whatever it needs to achieve his/her goals."{Remez Sasson).

A motivated person is  optimistic and eager to achieve his goal.

all about learning

learning is what we acquire through an experience, we learn in the new information that we acquire, in the books that we read and what the teacher taught us.
In the "principles of learning"  a person must have a clear idea of the goal and must be motivated to learn. A person never stop learning for it is a lifetime process.

all about learning..

Report presentation


           It is not easy to stand in front of your classmates and instructor especially when you are not prepared in your presentation. Hence, instead of giving your audience a clear, accurate and concise presentation because of being inefficient you were not able to give your audience the satisfaction.

          To become an effective reporter, he/she must maintain a relaxed posture, eye contact to the audience, readable visual aid and mastery of the report.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What is a teacher.

The teacher becomes the second parent of the students. That is why being a teacher is a noble profession. 
As a teacher it educate its student and help them to develop their craft, uplift their confidence, expand their knowledge and to attain their goal.

Being a teacher, you were able to meet different kind of personality and behavior that characterized a student. Therefore,As a teacher it needs patience, motivation, love/passion and being optimistic is the ultimate quality of a "Good Teacher." 
 Hence, a teacher must be genuine and fair to his/her students. He/she must show enthusiasm and  respect the idea and interest of the students, motivates her/his students to learn and understand that students have different ways and different intelligence. 

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Teaching is a noblest profession because through teaching we
were able to help pupils/students to develop their craft and personality.
Through teaching we became part in the success of our students especially in attaining their goal.

Furthermore, because of teaching we're not only sharing our knowledge to the students
we also help them to be a better person.
Students can choose either to learn or not  learn but with guidance and motivation they learn and enhance their knowledge. Most of all we became part in molding their personality.

My point of view...

Take it from me, right from this very moment try something new and do something you love, life is short to be wasted for nothing. Explore t...